Sunday, November 7, 2010

Television Heartbreak

We only have a few channels to watch in English over here. I really like HBO and StarWorld. They are the two  that I watch most of the time. HBO plays the same movies pretty much all week long and then of course StarWorld plays the same shows a lot too but it’s all we have.

But then last week a horrible thing happened...StarWorld was so sad. I didn’t  know what to watch and Kim and I ended up watching movies or box sets we have instead. I know your thinking Jess that's not that horrible, there is more to do in China then watch TV haha and I agree but at night when I am doing homework it’s nice to have it on or in the morning while I’m eating my breakfast.

All the staff here were pretty upset that we had lost the channel that it was even addressed in our staff meeting this past week ahah. Sadly it was something to do with StarWorld and the cable company and there was nothing that could be done but wait to see if it would come back.

So then yesterday after school there was nothing on any of the other channels so I decided to just check the StarWorld channel andddddd guess whatttt it was back!! Yes I know you are all just as excited as I was to find this out. I jumped off the couch and ran to Kim's room to share the news I was so excited haha.

And to think that out at the other school where Mark and Aaron are they have one English channel. So everyone back home you are living in luxury that you get to choose what you watch haha.

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