Foreigners here are very exciting people. We get starred at sometimes pointed at even when we are walking down the street. I have learned to just not make eye contact with people because it gets a little bit annoying. Haha but the other day we really felt like celebrities. This husband and wife came up and asked if they could have a picture with us. They each took turns getting into a picture with the group of us. They were pretty cute ahah The guy rested his head on one girl's shoulder and the women gave a great big hug to another girl. She also yelled out “cheese” as the picture was being taken. It was pretty funny and since I was so caught of guard I totally forgot to snap a picture myself.
We have started saying “ni hao” when people stare and it totally catches them off guard.
One night we were out walking and we said “ni hao” to a guy on his bike and he responded by saying hello. Haha we had a good laugh and it caught us right off guard haha
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